ReferencesĬhandler WL and Schmer G, Evaluation of a new dynamic viscometer for measuring the viscosity of whole blood and plasma, Clin Chem (1986) 32:505.

Hyperviscosity syndrome can also occur in multiple myeloma patients, and, rarely, in patients with rheumatoid factors and other aggregating proteins. The most common cause of serum hyperviscosity is the presence of large concentrations of IgM monoclonal proteins, and Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia accounts for 80% to 90% of symptomatic hyperviscosity cases. Although viscosities >1.6 are abnormal, hyperviscosity syndromes are rarely present unless the relative viscosity is >4.0 (approximately). No drugs needed This test should be the first diagnostic used by doctors and individuals if suffering from inflammation related diseases. Most people don’t know they have a heart issue until it’s too late. Results are reported as a relative viscosity to water, where normal serum and plasma have a relative viscosity of up to 1.6. Blood Viscosity can detect underlying conditions that can lead to heart disease. Serum, plasma or whole blood viscosity measurements can be useful in patients with hyperviscosity syndromes due to multiple myeloma or Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. Viscosity is the property of fluids to resist flow.

Lab Name Viscosity, Serum Lab Code SRVISG Epic Ordering Detection of increased viscosity Monitoring patients with hyperviscosity syndrome This test is not useful for patients with small concentrations of.